If you wear a fluorescent jacket at work you’re not necessarily an engineer.
Health and safety procedures can be vital for safeguarding workers.
If you happen to be driving by the town of Els Alamus near Barcelona in Spain though don’t automatically assume that the workers in the road wearing the yellow vests are repairing the highway.
Women wearing very little clothing and standing by the roadside on the outskirts of major towns and cities are a common sight in Spain. There are an estimated 300,000 women working in the country as prostitutes.
Sex workers in the town of Els Alamus though have recently faced a significant number of fines.
Surprisingly, these fines were not for the prostitution itself as this is currently legal in Spain.
Instead, they were fined for breaching a 2004 law which states that workers on major highways must wear high visibility clothing. A classic health and safety policy which helps protect road workers and drivers from harm.
Not to be outdone by the legislation the sex workers have simply decided to wear fluorescent vests when looking for their customers.
Looking on the bright side for these ladies, the wearing of bright yellow vests not only enables them to satisfy health and safety rules but it also makes it easier for the reported one in four Spanish men who have paid for sex to spot them.