Should you get married if you’re a finance person?
Marriage – that traditional bond between man and woman where they share their journey through life. Joining in together with the good times and the bad times but above all being a symbol of ultimate love between a man and a woman.
That’s all very nice but forget about all that romantic stuff, if you’re a finance person is now the right time to get married?
One of the cornerstones of a marriage is the gold wedding ring and they are likely to be getting more expensive in the near future as yesterday the price of gold hit a new all time high record price of $1,610 an ounce.
Why has the price suddenly shot up? Is it because the world has suddenly got all romantic and there has been a surge in demand for gold wedding rings?
The answer has nothing to do with weddings but rather the case that gold is seen as a “safe haven” for investments during times of global economic uncertainly.
With the current economic problems in Greece and thoughts that high debt countries such as Italy and Spain may get drawn into the crisis, investors are avoiding shares and government bonds and instead investing in gold.
So, looking on the bright side for those of you that are about to get married, although your wedding ring is likely to become more expensive to buy, not only will your “emotional wealth” hopefully grow after you get married but so will the value of the gold investment on your finger.
Then again, whether you’ll ever be looking to sell your wedding ring at any stage in the future is another discussion altogether…
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