Your BlackBerry could save your life…
Many of you will have a BlackBerry phone and a number of you may well be addicted to it. The red light flashes to tell you that you’ve got email and you’ll rush to check that all important message that comes in.
As well as emails they also have other uses and some photographs taken by this particular user on her BlackBerry possibly saved her life.
BlackBerry is commonly referred to in some countries as a “CrackBerry” on the basis that it is as addictive as Crack Cocaine but I’m sure that this lady will be carrying it with her where ever she goes from now on.
The unnamed lady was hiking in the picturesque mountainous Lake District region in the UK.
She was by herself and bad weather came in. She lost her bearings and didn’t know where she was.
The weather was worsening and on top of all of this it was starting to get dark.
The lady who was in her 50s contacted rescue services but they couldn’t initially get to her as she didn’t know where she was so couldn’t tell them her location.
They then remembered the camera that was built into the BlackBerry and the lady took some photos of the area where she was and sent them to the mountain rescuers phone.
The end result was that some of the rescuers recognised the location where the pictures were taken and went and found her and guided her to safety.
There was therefore a happy ending for this lady who no doubt cherishes her BlackBerry even more now.
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